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Copy, Move, and Rename Tags

// This code example is Gateway scoped and assumes the `GatewayContext` object is available.
private void copyMoveRenameTag() throws Exception {
IgnitionGateway context = IgnitionGateway.get();
GatewayTagManager tagManager = context.getTagManager();

// We are going through the GatewayTagManager rather than a specific tag provider, so we must add the provider name
// to the front of the path.
TagPath memoryTag1 = TagPathParser.parse("[default]LevelOne_FolderA/MemoryTag1");
TagPath destination = TagPathParser.parse("[default]LevelOne_FolderA");

// Make a copy of LevelOne_FolderA/MemoryTag1
List<QualityCode> results = tagManager.moveTagsAsync(Arrays.asList(memoryTag1), destination, true, CollisionPolicy.Rename).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

QualityCode qc = results.get(0);
if (qc.isNotGood()) {
throw new Exception(String.format("Copy operation returned bad result '%s'", qc.toString()));

// Now move the newly copied tag to the root
TagPath memoryTag2 = TagPathParser.parse("[default]LevelOne_FolderA/MemoryTag2");
destination = TagPathParser.parse("[default]");

results = tagManager.moveTagsAsync(Arrays.asList(memoryTag2), destination, false, CollisionPolicy.Abort).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
qc = results.get(0);
if (qc.isNotGood()) {
throw new Exception(String.format("Move operation returned bad result '%s'", qc.toString()));

// Finally, rename MemoryTag2 to RootMemoryTag1
memoryTag2 = TagPathParser.parse("[default]MemoryTag2");
results = tagManager.renameTag(memoryTag2, "RootMemoryTag1", CollisionPolicy.Abort)
.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

qc = results.get(0);
if (qc.isNotGood()) {
throw new Exception(String.format("Rename operation returned bad result '%s'", qc.toString()));