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Edit Tags

// This code example is Gateway scoped and assumes the `GatewayContext` object is available.
private void editTag() throws Exception {
IgnitionGateway context = IgnitionGateway.get();
GatewayTagManager tagManager = context.getTagManager();
TagProvider provider = tagManager.getTagProvider("default"); // Change tag provider name here as needed

TagPath memoryTag0 = TagPathParser.parse("MemoryTag0");

// MemoryTag0 will be the first item in the returned list. We get back a TagConfigurationModel
// that we can modify and send back. Note that if MemoryTag0 doesn't actually exist, the TagConfigurationModel's
// TagObjectType will be TagObjectType.Unknown.
List<TagConfigurationModel> configs = provider.getTagConfigsAsync(Arrays.asList(memoryTag0), false, true).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TagConfigurationModel tagConfig = configs.get(0);
if(TagObjectType.Unknown == tagConfig.getType()) {
throw new Exception("MemoryTag0 edit configuration not found");

// Add some documentation to the tag
tagConfig.set(WellKnownTagProps.Documentation, "Some documentation for MemoryTag0");

// And now save the tag. Use the MergeOverwrite collision policy to merge in the documentation property but
// keep other tag properties intact.
List<QualityCode> results = provider.saveTagConfigsAsync(Arrays.asList(tagConfig), CollisionPolicy.MergeOverwrite).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
QualityCode result = results.get(i);
if (result.isNotGood()) {
throw new Exception(String.format("Edit tag operation returned bad result '%s'", result.toString()));