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Build a Module

An Ignition Module consists of an xml manifest, jar files, and additional resources and meta-information. When you create a module from an existing gradlew.bat or Maven Archetype, your project will have a build directory with the basic tools necessary to compile and build a .modl file. Depending on your build system, you may want to further edit the files in your build directory to declare dependencies, update signing settings, or configure tasks. See the Plugins section for configuration settings specific to your build system.

Compile and Build

When you are ready to build your .modl file, open a command prompt in your project's root directory and run the following command:

gradlew.bat clean build

You now have a .modl file that is ready to install on an Ignition Gateway.

Your IDE may also provide a GUI interface to compile and build your project, if you prefer. See the documentation for your preferred IDE:

IntelliJ IDEA



If you have not yet signed your module, you will need to either sign it or configure your Gateway to allow unsigned modules.